The director of municipalities of the province of Basra, the Director of Municipalities of Basra province, Engineer Haitham Ali Sudkhan cadres of the Directorate of Municipalities of Basra province to participate in a campaign contributions "to help children of cancer patients in the hospital of the child suffering from the lack of medicines and blood tests .. This Share employees by paying money and payments through the assets to alleviate the suffering of children who are in the hospital and specialized children and their families, some of whom are forced to buy blood tablets from the family Ahmakhr hundreds of thousands of dinars as a result of the entry from the hospital. the director of the Health Department Riad Abdul Amir said in an interview that "the Department suffers from a severe financial deficit because of the reduction of monthly allocations due to the financial crisis," noting that "the financial distress faced by the Department reflected negatively on the quality of services provided to patients in public hospitals, In the maintenance of medical devices and the provision of some types of treatments and medicines for patients.